Immortal Parasite is an anime-inspired story universe designed to become a multi-layered brand by combining the technical capabilities of web3 with the strengths of traditional products (web2)
Immortal Parasite was founded to create a multi-layered web3 brand that tells exciting stories far away from the generic constraints of the mainstream and turn them into an interactive, personal experience that is unique in the world of web3.
By selling dynamic NFTs that give holders access to an interactive story experience with an old-school RPG-like gamification system, funds will be raised to expand the brand into the world of web2 through the production of light novels and high-quality merchandise products. No more speculation and exaggerated hype, we are providing you with tangible IRL values for owning our NFTs!
The OG pre-sale, limited to only 666 pieces, offers early supporters huge benefits, such as free Section 16 character mints with exclusive OG Skill, XP Multiplier, a Nifty Island Avatar, Access to special events and much more (depending on the rarity of the pass), while initial funds are raised for the production of the first merchandise products and the development of Survivor City 01.
As a special highlight, the Citizen Pass is a burnable token which holders can burn at a later date and in return receive a customized Soulbound Token with lifelong benefits.
6,666 unique female clone soldiers on the Ethereum blockchain waiting for you to be awakened from their cryosleep by minting. Each NFT is your personal key to various project-related utilities, as well as the exciting lore and manga short stories, written by founder jaypi420.eth.
After the interactive reveal you will be able to unlock over 1000 additional traits like clothes, weapons, pets and accessories to customize your dynamic NFTs to your own preferences while you explore the story of immortal Parasite with the help of our gamification system.